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Beans for Bags: JC Mash

During the months of July and August your beans can help fund our local JC MASH (Jefferson County Medical Advocacy and Services Headquarters). It is a free clinic that provides health and advocacy services for Jefferson County’s marginalized residents including the underemployed, those without health insurance, the homeless, those with behavioral health issues, and those who are unable to use the mainstream healthcare system.

JC MASH offers pro bono appointments with medical providers, health education, and connects clients with other community services. JC MASH grew out of the concerned awareness primarily among local church members for the large number of people in the county without medical insurance and/or the ability to afford medical attention, especially the underemployed, and those who earn too much to qualify for benefits but not enough to afford medical insurance. The intent was to help individuals get access to comprehensive care within the larger medical community by validating their medical needs and acting as their advocates.

In August 26 years ago, JC MASH opened at the American Legion Hall. Initial staffing was all volunteer including physicians, helpers at the clinic, and the board of directors. United Good Neighbors of Jefferson County (UGN) and the Port Townsend Rotary Club provide funds as well as generous private community donations.

JC Mash serves the community one evening per week. Our paid staff includes a Medical Clinic Manager. Although volunteers, staff, and board members change from time to time, JC MASH continues.

JC MASH Medical
1136 Water Street
Suite 109
Port Townsend, WA 98368
(360) 385-4268


6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Every Tuesday (Closed if a national holiday)
All those who arrive during this time will be seen. Clients may enter through the front door on Water Street or the side door off the parking lot.

We are excited to begin real telehealth in 2020.  This virus may be with us a long time and people are not always able to access the clinic during our open hours mainly due to transportation issues.  We've applied for grants for buying the hardware and have joined the National Association of Free Clinics to be able to access the free electronic medical record they offer as well as many other benefits.

We are reaching out in the community to find a new place of operation as the current small rooms here in the Sanderling building cannot accommodate social distancing.  One unique feature of JC MASH among all the free clinics in the state is that we offer free acupuncture.  4 volunteer acupuncturists provided this service that was highly valued amongst our clients.  Sadly our current space doesn't have the room to continue this benefit so a new place must be found.

In 2019 we served 400 people with either medical care or acupuncture (or both!)  Initially during the pandemic we did not operate out of our space but took calls from clients that were routed to a physician.  We restarted in person care on June 9 instituting the necessary precautions.  Our 4 providing MDs and 6 other staff are all volunteers.  The Clinic Manager RN is the only paid position.  The majority of our funding is from the Jefferson Community Foundation combined with local churches mainly QUUF and Grace Lutheran.  Private donations are also given.

As for successes, there are many.  Did you know many Port Townsend residents have become economic refugees?  Unable to afford the cost to live in our beautiful community, they have established lives in Mexico, Ecuador, and other places.  When they return to visit health care is not easily available to them.  They have often called or come to JC MASH for care or advice on how to get care.  Many residents rarely have seen an MD despite being over Medicare age and don't have primary care physicians.  We are the place the come when they find the have high blood pressure or something else.  We treat what we can and assist people in accessing further needed care.

There are many many people falling into the crack of making just a little too much money so they don't qualify for Apple Health.  This is hard but solutions can be found;  this is the mission of JC MASH:  care and access with advocacy for everyone who comes to us.

To donate to JCMASH via mail, please send contributions to:

1136 Water Street, Suite 109

or go to: to donate online.